
Basic Thoughts


“In fact, by universal grammar I mean just that system of principles and structures that are the prerequisites
for acquisition of language, and to which every language necessarily conforms.”

– Noam Chomsky, “The Father of Modern Linguistics”

Now that we know how easy it is to write and read in NeurUL, let’s now take a look at the very simple rules and processes that govern its structure:

Version 1.0

In General:

    1. A Neuron may have a Tag value, which may be used to define it or to refer to a specific Concept.
    2. A Neuron may contain at least one Terminal.
    3. A Terminal links the Neuron that contains it, called a Presynaptic Neuron, to exactly one other Neuron, called a Postsynaptic Neuron.
      Linking enables Neurons to define one another.
    4. Each Neuron has a Voltage which is normally at Resting Potential (eg. -70mV). If the Voltage of a Neuron changes and reaches what is called a Spike Threshold (eg. -55mV), a Spike will be generated by the Neuron.
    5. A Spike is an impulse that travels from a Presynaptic Neuron to its Terminals, and then to the linked Postsynaptic Neurons.
    6. When Spiked, a Terminal may either further Excite (eg. +5mV) or Inhibit (eg. -5mV) the Spike of a Postsynaptic Neuron. This is called the Action of a Terminal.
    7. The degree to which the Action of a Terminal may affect a linked Neuron is called the Strength of a Terminal (eg. 33%, 50% etc.).

When defining Perceptions:

    1. If a Neuron generically defines an indefinite number of other Neurons, then the former should Postsynaptically define the latter. These are called Intensions.
    2. If a Neuron specifically defines another Neuron or cumulatively defines a set of other Neurons, then the former should Presynaptically define the latter. These are called Extensions.

When defining Actions:

    1. If a Neuron defines a Response to another Neuron which defines a Stimulus, then the former should Postsynaptically define the latter. Neurons that link Stimuli to Responses are called Interneurons.

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